While drawing I discover what I really want to say. - Dario Fo
Art is a means of expressing one’s thoughts, emotions, ideas and desires, but it is even more subjective than that; it’s about sharing the way we experience the world, which for many of our boys is an extension of their personality. It is the communication of their innermost concepts that cannot be sincerely depicted by words alone. As words are not enough, we find other forms of expression to carry our objective. But the content that we inspire in our boys, as well as specific media, is not in itself the art. Art is to be found in how the media is used and the way in which the content is expressed. This is the beauty and joy found within Art. The Bishops Eisteddfod helps us to know our boys on a creative level and to acknowledge those who have excelled at Art.

Intermediate Colour Composition

Adjudicator: Kelly Johnson
Arendse, Raa'id9OgilvieHonours
Chahwahwa, Kudaishe9OgilvieDiploma
Daya, Dhruv9GrayHonours
De Fondaumiere, Alexander9Birt2Diploma
Dingley, John9Ogilvie3Diploma
Dutton, Harry9SchoolDiploma
Furter, Luke9GrayDiploma
Futter, Reuben9OgilvieHonours
Gorgens, Josh9FoundersHonours
Green, Kieran9School1Gold Diploma
Haupt, Rhys9KiddDiploma
Hughes, Alistair9SchoolHonours
Jones, Callum9OgilvieHonours
Pillay, Kaleb9BirtDiploma
Rinquest, Deen9KiddGold Diploma
Velosa, Josh9FoundersDiploma
Badroodien, Hamaad9MallettMerit
Banyard, Oscar9SchoolMerit
Barnard, Damien9GrayPass
Carter, Adam9KiddMerit
Cloete, Matt9SchoolPass
Dalling, Nicholas9OgilviePass
Dywili, Lukholo9FoundersMerit
Elsley, Gabriel9GrayDid Not Attend
Gorman, Nicholas9BirtMerit
Graaff, Campbell9FoundersPass
Hume, Matt9MallettPass
Jenman, Thomas9BirtMerit
Lascaris, Thomas9SchoolPass
MacNaughton, Will9BirtPass
Mills, Josh9MallettPass
Potgieter, Edward9GrayMerit
Redfern, Benjamin9KiddMerit
Reid, Christopher9WhiteMerit
Sanders, Xavier9GrayMerit
Shaboodien, Zaydaan9KiddPass
Slabber, Blake9BirtMerit
Townshend, Jack9FoundersPass
Weldon, Oscar9KiddPass