I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.
- Oscar Wilde
The greatest challenge in our lives today is to begin to try and understand other peoples ‘social construction of reality’. Drama at Bishops is the space where boys are able to challenge perceptions about themselves and the world. It is a wonderful place to explore why and how human beings interact. It is also a place to begin to understand past and current events, and most importantly to ‘become an-other’. Most of all, Drama is a place where young people are able to experience and understand both tolerance and empathy. Through the solo experiences of a monologue or a poem at this Eisteddfod, the boys on stage will be asking themselves very personal questions. This will surely lead to greater communications skills, a deeper sense of understanding and inner confidence.

Junior Poetry

Adjudicator: Melissa Sanderson
Bagg, Felix9Mallett2Diploma
Brink, David9BirtHonours
Dales, Ryan9FoundersHonours
Govender, Nikkiran9BirtHonours
Grout, Jack9BirtHonours
Heesom, Luca9White1Gold Diploma
Le Roux, Christo9Kidd3Diploma
Meyer, Derek10OgilvieDiploma
Biko, Thando9SchoolMerit
Boeddinghaus, Julian10OgilvieDid Not Attend
Burns, Seth8KiddPass
Christian, Bradley10KiddDid Not Attend
Clarke, Samuel10MallettHonours
Collins, Michael8GrayPass
Drimie, Viktor8FoundersHonours
Gibbs, Samuel9FoundersPass
Gorman, Damian9BirtPass
Haller, Matthew10FoundersPass
Hirst, Connor8GrayNo Award
Kobus, Olothando9MallettPass
MacNaughton, Will9BirtPass
Madubela, MJ8SchoolPass
Maltz, Stirling9GrayPass
Mavume, Lilitha10SchoolPass
Miller, Gibraeel8KiddPass
Morgan, Max9WhitePass
Mynhardt, Andréa9FoundersPass
Nicholson, Sam8GrayPass
Planting, Jordan10MallettHonours
Reid, Christopher9WhiteHonours
Sandri, Maximus10GrayHonours
Spangenberg, Tom8WhiteDid Not Attend
Tanfield, Tommy9SchoolPass
Thankge, Neo9WhitePass
Traut, Luke9MallettPass
Turner, Travis9OgilviePass
Van Breda, Jack9SchoolMerit
Verster-Cohen, Felix8KiddDid Not Attend