When you play, never mind who listens to you. - Robert Schumann
The ancient Greeks said that astronomy and music were two sides of the same coin. Astronomy was seen as the study of relationships between observable, permanent and external objects. Music was seen as the study of relationships between invisible, internal and hidden objects. The Music component of the Bishops Eisteddfod offers a platform for boys to both explore and experience sound through the mediums of performance and composition. Through the musical interpretation of each performance both the listeners and performers may experience beauty, feel sensitivity, have their souls touched and be brought closer to an infinite beyond this world. May each vocal or instrumental performance reveal the ‘invisible, interval and hidden’ in all of us.

Senior Strings Light

Adjudicator: Johanna Roos
Wild, Edward9SchoolGold DiplomaSyncopationFritz Kreisler
Chan, Enoch9MallettMeritI feel prettyLeonard Bernstein