Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Martin Luther King
Our creative and intellectual lives cannot exist without language. Language is a part of our humanity. Without speech and writing, opinions and ideas are dead. Bishops hopes to inspire individuals; language is a key component that enables our boys to give voice and expression to their individuality and inspiration. The speech component of the Eisteddfod gives boys the platform to debate and articulate their ideas in creative and persuasive ways. This is vital to the life of the creative intellectual. We do this through the four languages taught at Bishops, which are all major languages on the African Continent - English, Afrikaans, isiXhosa and French.

Senior French Speech

Adjudicator: Mitchell Green
Bagg, Oliver12Mallett3Gold Diploma
Basson, Nicholas12KiddGold Diploma
Benolich, Zeno11White2Gold Diploma
De Rauville Rohm, Daniel12Kidd1Gold Diploma
Griffin, Matthew11KiddGold Diploma
Kotze, Michael12OgilvieGold Diploma
Breslin, Jack11FoundersPass
Dabancourt, Elio11MallettDid Not Attend
Deckenbrock, Nic11WhiteMerit
du Plessis, Viggo11BirtMerit
Kannemeyer, Tristan11FoundersNo Award
Lappin, Joseph12GrayPass
Macnab, Noah11GrayPass
Magongwa, Immanuel12SchoolPass
Moodley, Shankara11BirtMerit
Moorgas, Luke12BirtMerit
Patel, Rohit12OgilvieDid Not Attend
Peignon, Oscar11GrayDid Not Attend
Pouroullis, Luca11MallettMerit
Schreuder, Nico11SchoolMerit
Stavely-Alexander, Samuel11OgilvieDid Not Attend
Thomas, Matthew12SchoolDid Not Attend
Tripe, David11WhiteDid Not Attend