Brooke Chapel - Stained-Glass Window Project


As part of our 175 celebration, we as a Bishops community would like to leave an item of long lasting significance to commemorate this historic year. In 1999, as part of the 150 celebration, the school community commissioned and installed the statue of the young boy, which sits on the bench outside the two chapels. After much thought, it was decided that for the 175th year, we would like to complete the last three stained-glass windows in the beautiful Brooke Chapel. The Brooke Chapel has been at the centre of worship for over a century, and holds a special place in the hearts of many in the Bishops community, as a place of quiet contemplation, for services, weddings, baptisms and memorial services.

Three windows honouring three special people have been designed by local artist, Anika van der Merwe, who is one of South Africa's foremost practitioners in the art of stained-glass. As a school we are launching a fund-raising campaign, to leave behind these windows as our mark for the 175 anniversary. This is the only fund-raising which will happen in connection with 175, and gives the entire Bishops community an opportunity to be part of this exciting and enduring project.

The most recent window to be installed in the chapel was dedicated to long-time teacher at Bishops, Charles Currey, and this was installed in 2018, also designed by Anika. St Francis of Assisi has been used in the window which honours Charles Currey. The first of the three new windows is in memory of Christina Gwavu, who passed away two years ago, and who like Mr Currey was a teacher of real significance at Bishops. Not only did she cement isiXhosa as a language at Bishops, and also acted as the spiritual "mother" to many of the first boys of colour to attend Bishops. Her impact, while often quiet and understated, can never be underestimated in what she contributed towards the diversification of Bishops. The biblical figure of St Clare of Assisi will be used in the window to honour Ms Gwavu, creating a natural link with the adjoining window of St Francis, honouring Mr Currey.

Desmond and Leah Tutu stand out as a couple who were dedicated to bringing about a peaceful transition in South Africa, and ushering in a new order of dignity and equality for all. Desmond of course was best known as the Archbishops of Southern Africa, during which time he was active at Bishops as the Visitor to the Bishops Council. The Old Testament biblical figures of Ruth and Isaiah have been used in the pair of windows honouring this special couple.

How can you help? We are appealing to three communities within Bishops to raise the funds to cover the design, manufacture and installation of these three windows during the 175 year. Each window comes at a cost of R135 000 and we would like the three communities of ODs, College families, Prep & Pre-Prep families to each raise the funds towards a window, thus allowing us to install and dedicate the windows in October 2024. Donating is a very personal act, and we are fully aware that some are better able to do so than others. We will acknowledge all donors on a special list on the 175 Website, which will remain online for years to come, as it will include the updated History of Bishops, published in online format. If half of all the families at Bishops donated around R300 each, we would easily raise the necessary funds to complete this project.

Please click on the individual images below to find out more about each design.

St Francis Charles Currey Existing Window
St Clare Christina Gwavu
Ruth Leah Tutu
Isaiah Desmond Tutu

175 Brooke Chapel Stained-Glass Window Donations