SPW Testing

23 January 2025

Sports Performance and Wellness Testing

Sports Performance and Wellness (SPW) testing is a comprehensive evaluation designed to assess the physical fitness levels of Bishops students in Grades 8, 9, and 10. Scheduled twice a year, at the onset of Term 1 (January) and the conclusion of Term 3 (August), this testing battery encompasses various metrics crucial to overall health and wellness, as well as athletic development and performance.

Who participates in the SPW Testing?

  • Grade 8, 9 & 10s.
When does the SPW Testing occur?
  • Start of Term 1 (January) and end of Term 3 (August).
Purpose of SPW Testing:
  • Grade 10 Bishops EPIC Preparation: Prepare students for the Grade 10 Bishops EPIC.
  • Promote Physical Well-being: Encourage boys to take an active interest in their physical health and foster a healthy lifestyle.
  • Progress Tracking: Enable students to monitor their physical fitness progression from Grade 8 to Grade 10
What is it that we are testing?
  • Biometrics: Height, Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and Waist Circumference.
  • Flexibility: Sit & Reach.
  • Strength: Grip Strength, Chin-ups & 1-minute Push-up Test.
  • Power: Broad Jump & Medicine Ball Chest Push.
  • Speed: 40m Sprint.
  • Agility: Illinois Agility Test.
  • Aerobic Endurance: Beep Test.

Utilization of Results:

  • Each boy is sent their SPW testing Results, as well as the history of all their previous results.
  • Results are sent to sports coaches to aid with player selection.
  • The analysis involves identifying weaknesses within the grade and individual students, classifying boys into specific groups based on testing results.
In essence, SPW Testing not only serves as a tool for evaluating fitness but also as a catalyst for fostering physical well-being, optimizing athletic performance, and nurturing a culture of holistic health among our students.